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2024 PAC Elections

Tucker High School

Dekalb County Schools


Attendance Information

Philosophy - Tucker High School firmly believes that attendance is a major key to success in all aspects of life. Research shows that regular attendance in school not only has a direct connection to success in high school, but success beyond high school. Tucker High School strongly encourages regular daily attendance for each student. Regular attendance is necessary for our students' success.

General Absences - The day of an absence, the parent/guardian may call the attendance office with the reason why the student is to be excused. We will attempt to call the parent, if we do not receive a call. It is important that we have current and workable local phone numbers in order to reach parents.

A student returning after an absence MUST GO to the attendance office with a proper excuse from a parent with a reachable phone number. The attendance secretary, Ms. Aimable is located at the main desk in the front office. Her number is 678-874-3712. The students will be issued an "excused" pass to show their teachers.
State approved absences are as follows: 
  • Personal illness
  • Death or illness in the immediate family
  • Doctor's appointment  
  • Religious holidays
  • Serving as a page in the General Assembly
College visits for seniors must be approved by Dr. Parker before the visit. If a student must be absent for an extended period of time, both the attendance office and the counselor's office should be notified.

The student and parent will be given three days to get an unexcused absence cleared through the attendance office. A consistent and continued pattern of unexcused absences will result in a student referral to the administrative intervention process.
Penalty will range from administrative detention to permanent expulsion. Academic work missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up when the student returns to school.

Vacations and other out-of-town trips are strongly discouraged during school days, as these will be considered unexcused absences.

Checking In - Students must bring a valid excuse to the attendance office at the school when checking into school late.  Excused reasons (by law) for checking into school late are the same as those for full day absences. Car trouble, missing the bus, and oversleeping are not valid excuses. All tardies will be marked unexcused until they are cleared by the parent.

Absent more than one-half of the day - A student who is not in attendance for at least half of the instructional day will be counted absent for the school day. A student MAY NOT participate in any extracurricular activity on the day of an absence. This includes clubs, athletics, dances, practices, etc. 
Tardy Policy
  • First Offense- Warning
  • Second Offense- Warning
  • Third offense- Parent phone call home
  • Fourth Offense- Lunch detention
  • Fifth Offense- 2 days of Lunch detention
  • Sixth Offense- 1 Hour detention after school
  • Seventh Offense- 2 days of detention
  • Eighth Offense- 1 day of ISS
  • Ninth Offense- 2 days of ISS
  • Tenth Offense- 3 day of ISS
  • Eleventh Offense - Suspension pending a parent conference. Student will be placed on local school probation.
Students may reduce their tardy infractions by one, every time they attend before or afterschool tutorial with their teachers. Teachers are required to keep a signature log of all tutorials and submit them weekly along with lesson plans.
Checking Out - Students who need to leave at any time before the end of the day must check out through the attendance office. A parent/guardian must come into the office and sign the student out. **No checkouts after 3:00 PM**

If the student is a registered driver and is over the age of 18, and wants to check out, parents must email the permission of the checkout with a photo of the parent's license to [email protected]. The student may not bring a written note signed by the parent/guardian requesting a checkout. 
  The student MAY NOT bring a written note signed by the parent/guardian requesting a checkout. 
  • Student number.
  • Reason for dismissal.
  • Date, time and a valid signature.
Illness at SchoolIf a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she should come to the office to contact a parent/guardian. Students should NEVER leave campus or stay in the restroom. Parents must check-out a sick or injured child in the Attendance Office. Medications - Any prescription or over-the-counter medicine must have a medical form completed by a parent or physician, which will be kept with the specified medication. School personnel will NOT issue any medication to students without the appropriate documentation.

ALL medications must be stored in the Attendance Office. 
Bus Changes - Students must come to the attendance office with a note from a parent with a reachable phone number. This must be done before (the end of 5th) 1:30 pm. You must know the route number of the bus on which the student will be riding. Parents will be called to verify information.