The most rigorous course of studies offered to the students of Tucker High School is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. This program of advanced internationally recognized syllabi and external examinations offers a comprehensive and world-class education during the last two years of high school. The IB Diploma Program is designed as an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepare students for success at university and life beyond. The program has gained recognition and respect from the world’s universities.

The Program
The IB program is excellent preparation for college-level work. In addition, when making admissions decisions, colleges look very favorably upon the IB program as an indication of a student’s level of motivation and ability to perform in a rigorous and challenging program. Studies on the acceptance rates of IB Diploma students show that these students have higher acceptance rates at colleges in the United States. Like the Advanced Placement program, many American colleges give course credit or advanced standing to a student who earns a satisfactory score on an IB examination. General information about university recognition of the IB can be found at and recognition/credit policies for specific colleges and universities can be found at Students who are interested in the IB program should consult the IB Coordinator and their counselor.
A suggested general sequence of courses for students who seek to earn an International Baccalaureate Diploma is listed on the following pages for your reference. Each student’s IB Diploma program is planned to meet the individual student’s needs, strengths, and interests.
Students who complete advanced placement, college-level, or courses required for an International Baccalaureate Diploma shall be deemed to have completed the requirements for graduation under these standards provided that they have earned the verified credits as required of students earning either a standard or an advanced studies diploma.
Why Should A Student Consider IB?
- An extremely rigorous pre-university course of study for high school students.
- Recognized internationally by some of the finest universities in the world.
- A liberal arts curriculum incorporating humanities, mathematics, and sciences.
- Requires minimum of four years of study in six academic areas: math, science, literature, language, history, and an elective.
- Designed as a world class curriculum.
- Allows students to study at higher levels in their strongest content areas.
- Focuses on oral expression as well as written for evaluation and assessment.
- End of course testing is not objective multiple-choice testing program; every part involves written expression -- math, science, world languages, included.
- Designed for highly motivated students; likewise designed for highly motivated teachers.
- Offers opportunities for advanced standing in colleges and college course credits based on test scores.
- Curriculum taught from a global perspective incorporating the best educational elements from around the world.
- Faculty trained and retrained in IB curriculum by International Baccalaureate North America.
- Curriculum reviewed and revised every five years.
- Specific syllabi used for each course with required topics for study.
- Requires students to be involved in interdisciplinary activities, projects, and research.
- Required Theory of Knowledge course designed to stimulate critical thinking and reflection upon the knowledge acquired in the classroom and outside the classroom.
- Required Extended Essay, 4000 word research paper based on student's special interest and scholarly pursuits.
- Required CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) program
- Students arrive at college prepared for college work and are, therefore, less susceptible to the "sticker shock" most college freshman experience.
- Gives students a level of confidence that a typical curriculum does not give.