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Tucker High School

Dekalb County Schools

Title 1

Title 1 Survey

Greetings Parents and Guardians,

Please take a few minutes to fill out our Title I Survey.  As a parent or guardian of a child attending a Title I school, your participation is crucial in shaping the Title I team. Your thoughts and opinions are valuable in developing and carrying out parent engagement initiatives and events in your school(s).The goal of all Title I programs is to support eligible students in meeting the same high academic standards as their peers.  This survey is confidential and the responses will aid us in planning future parental involvement activities and events at your school(s). Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for taking the time (10 minutes) to complete this survey.

Federal Programs

Title 1 News & Information

Family and Parent Engagement - Partnering With Other Cultures, 2/27 Presentation

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Parent Workshop - Understanding Career Pathways - 1/23 Presentation

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