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February Break

Tucker High School

Dekalb County Schools

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

The state of Georgia allows qualifying 10th through 12th grade students to participate in dual enrollment courses. If you are interested in dual enrollment for next school year, which starts this summer(students start the next year in the summer for dual purposes); please follow the below steps :

All steps must be completed by May 1, 2024. The first three steps can be done at the same time.

Students New to Dual Enrollment

  1. For students who have never taken a dual enrollment course, watch the Dual Enrollment Video. It will give you more insight about dual enrollment. The colleges may have changed some enrollment policies (like waiving test scores for admission purposes) since the video was posted. 

  2. Research which school you want to attend for dual enrollment. Most students attend Georgia State University or Georgia Piedmont Technical. The student will need to complete the dual enrollment application on their website and send your high school transcript to them. 

  3. Apply and get accepted to your chosen dual enrollment school, then send your acceptance letter to [email protected]. Transcripts must be sent through or 

  4. After you receive and send your acceptance letter, you will need to make an appointment with Ms. Redmond so we can determine your courses for Tucker and dual enrollment.

  5. Complete the GAFuture Dual Enrollment Application for the 2024-2025 school year.  You and a parent/guardian will need to complete parts of this application. 

  6. Please complete the Tucker High School Dual Enrollment Contract.

Returning Dual Enrollment Students:

  1. Complete the GAFuture Dual Enrollment Application for the 2024-2025 school year, you and a parent/guardian will need to complete parts of this application. 

  2. Please complete the Tucker High School Dual Enrollment Contract.
  3. You MUST make an appointment with Ms. Redmond to discuss your summer and/or fall dual schedule for next year.