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Tucker High School

Dekalb County Schools

Principal's Corner


Sunday, 3/16/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Please see the information and reminders below for this week:
  • Title I Parent-Building Capacity Workshop: "Understanding Career Pathways"Parents, please view this workshop with your Tucker High School student.   After viewing this workshop, please scan the QR code at the end of the recording and complete the sign-in sheet to let us know that you have viewed this workshop.
  • Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted the meeting online. See link:
  • Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on March 29. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. Please check your child's grades as the email send out last week included students that were not actually failing a class. 
  • INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
  • Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
  • Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
    • Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
    • Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
    • Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
    • Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
Herff Jones:
Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
April 1- Cap and Gown Pick up in the auditorium during all lunches. If seniors do not pick up the cap and gown by 1:30, seniors will need to wait until April 24th for pick up. After that, they will need to pick up at Herff Jones. 
Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Sunday, 3/9/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Please note the following updates for this week:
Please congratulate our Honor Graduates for the Class of 2025. Our Honor Grads have a 3.5 GPA. We are very proud of your hard work and accomplishments.  
Credit recovery- Resumes this week and all students should have reached 50% completion
Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on this upcoming Saturday, March 15. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided.
A Honor Roll and AB Honor Roll from First Semester- Please help us celebrate our students who made Honor Roll from first semester.
Attendance & Tardies- Parents, reminder that class begins at 8:00am. Please ensure you have your students dropped off by 7:50am so they can be on time to the first class of the day. Chronic tardiness is a discipline issue and will have consequences 
Parent Tech Cafes


Title I Parent-Building Capacity Workshop: "Understanding Career Pathways"
Parents, please view this workshop with your Tucker High School student.   After viewing this workshop, please scan the QR code at the end of the recording and complete the sign-in sheet to let us know that you have viewed this workshop.
Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted the meeting online. See link:
Joe Pritchett American Legion Post #207 School Medal Award & Scholarship: Application Deadline: March 3, 2025- See attached- Senior Parents- See Scholarship Opportunity for your senior.
INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
Herff Jones:
Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
April 1- Cap and Gown Pick up in the auditorium during all lunches. If seniors do not pick up the cap and gown by 1:30, seniors will need to wait until April 24th for pick up. After that, they will need to pick up at Herff Jones. 
Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)

Sunday, 3/2/2025

Tucker HS Parents 

Please see the information below for this week:
  • Parent Conferences-March 5th @ 3:30-5:30PM. If you would like to schedule a parent teacher conference with your child's teacher, please click on the link below. The link will close on March 3rd.[email protected]/
  • March 7th- We will have virtual learning day on this Friday (March 7th) Please have students log onto their chromebook for assignments to complete. 
  • Credit recovery- We will not have credit recovery on Thursday due to no school on Friday. Students need to be at 50% complete by Thursday. 
  • Please congratulate the Top 10% of the senior class.  We are very proud of your hard work and accomplishments. 
Rivera Zermeno
Abdur Rahman
Parent Tech Cafes
  • Title I Parent-Building Capacity Workshop: "Understanding Career Pathways"Parents, please view this workshop with your Tucker High School student.   After viewing this workshop, please scan the QR code at the end of the recording and complete the sign-in sheet to let us know that you have viewed this workshop.
  • Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted the meeting online. See link:
  • Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on March 15. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
  • Joe Pritchett American Legion Post #207 School Medal Award & Scholarship: Application Deadline: March 3, 2025- See attached- Senior Parents- See Scholarship Opportunity for your senior.
  • INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
  • Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
Herff Jones:
Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
Thursday, March 6 - Ice Cream Social during all lunches (for students that have paid their dues)
Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
April 1- Cap and Gown Pick up in the auditorium during all lunches. If seniors do not pick up the cap and gown by 1:30, seniors will need to wait until April 24th for pick up. After that, they will need to pick up at Herff Jones. 
Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Sunday, 2/23/2025

Tucker HS Parents,

I hope your students had a great and restful February Break last week. Please see the updates below as schools/classes begin tomorrow (Monday, 2/24):
Please congratulate the Top 10% of the senior class.  We are very proud of your hard work and accomplishments:
Rivera Zermeno
Abdur Rahman
  • Title I Parent-Building Capacity Workshop: "Understanding Career Pathways" - Parents, please view this workshop with your Tucker High School student.   After viewing this workshop, please scan the QR code at the end of the recording and complete the sign-in sheet to let us know that you have viewed this workshop.
  • Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted the meeting online. See link here :
  • Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on March 15. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
  • Joe Pritchett American Legion Post #207 School Medal Award & Scholarship: Application Deadline: March 3, 2025- See attached here Senior Parents- See Scholarship Opportunity for your senior.
  • INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
  • Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
Herff Jones: Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
Thursday, March 6 - Ice Cream Social during all lunches (for students that have paid their dues)
Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Thursday, 2/13/2025

Tucker HS Parents,

Just two announcements for today and this upcoming week: 
  • For Valentines Day tomorrow, deliveries to the school and classroom for students will not be permitted. Also large items that will be disruptive (i.e. stuffed animals, balloons, ect.) cannot be brought to school
  • Next week is Winter Break so school will be closed Monday-Friday. Grades for the first 4.5 weeks are being posted and students are encouraged to use this time and opportunity to make up any assignments or missing work. There is no Saturday School this weekend 
Sunday, 2/9/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Please see the reminders below for this week:
Attendance Reminder School and 1st period class begins at 8:00am daily. We have too many students that are car riders arriving late in the mornings and missing valuable first period class time. Students that arrive after 8:15am must be checked in by a parent and any student that is unaccompanied by a parent/guardian after 8:15am will be given a tardy consequence. 
Valentine's Day Friday-- Students will not be able to have items delivered to the school. Also any large items that will be disruptive to the learning environment will also not be allowed (i.e. balloons, stuffed animals, etc) 
A Honor Roll and AB Honor Roll from First Semester- Please help us celebrate our students who made Honor Roll from first semester.
 Parent Tech Cafes
Title I Parent-Building Capacity Workshop: "Understanding Career Pathways"
Parents, please view this workshop with your Tucker High School student.   After viewing this workshop, please scan the QR code at the end of the recording and complete the sign-in sheet to let us know that you have viewed this workshop.  
 Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted th meeting online. See link below
 Counseling Department Newsletter-  Click on the link below to view.
 Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on March 1. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
Herff Jones: Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Senior Events:
Senior Dues increase to $125 after January 10, 2025.  Cash or money order please.  The last day to pay senior dues is Friday, February 14, 2025 to participate in remaining senior activities, including food and snacks during graduation practices.
The last day to pay for the Dollywood Trip is Friday, February 7, 2025.  Cash or money order please. The $100 includes the ticket and charter bus, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a t-shirt. You can email Senor Strickland at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Our next Senior Event is the Senior Basketball Tailgate on Friday, February 7 from 3:30-5:30pm.  
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
Thursday, March 6 - Ice Cream Social during all lunches (for students that have paid their dues)
Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Sunday, 2/2/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Please see the updates and reminders for this week:
A Honor Roll and AB Honor Roll from First Semester- Please help us celebrate our students who made Honor Roll from first semester. 
Attendance Reminder-  School and 1st period class begins at 8:00am daily. We have too many students that are car riders arriving late in the mornings and missing valuable first period class time. Students that arrive after 8:15am must be checked in by a parent and any student that is unaccompanied by a parent/guardian after 8:15am will be given a tardy consequence. 
Parent Tech Cafes


Final 1st semester Grades- Grades have been posted. Seniors can send midyear transcripts to postsecondary schools now. 
Title I Parent-Building Capacity Workshop: "Understanding Career Pathways"
Parents, please view this workshop with your Tucker High School student.   After viewing this workshop, please scan the QR code at the end of the recording and complete the sign-in sheet to let us know that you have viewed this workshop.
Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted the meeting online. See link: ://
Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on February 8th. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
  • Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
  • Herff Jones: Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
  • Senior Events:
    • Senior Dues increase to $125 after January 10, 2025.  Cash or money order please.  The last day to pay senior dues is Friday, February 14, 2025 to participate in remaining senior activities, including food and snacks during graduation practices.
    • The last day to pay for the Dollywood Trip is Friday, February 7, 2025.  Cash or money order please. The $100 includes the ticket and charter bus, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a t-shirt. You can email Senor Strickland at [email protected] if you have any questions.
    • Our next Senior Event is the Senior Basketball Tailgate on Friday, February 7 from 3:30-5:30pm.  
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
  • Friday, February 7 - Senior Night for Basketball - 3:30-5:30 - food and games (for students that have paid their dues and did the RSVP)
  • Thursday, March 6 - Ice Cream Social during all lunches (for students that have paid their dues)
  • Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
  • March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
  • Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Wednesday, 1/29/2025
Tucker HS Parents, 
Due to the weather and school closure last week, we were unable to have the scheduled Title I parent workshop. To provide you all this information, our parent liaison Ms. Barlow has shared the presentation here and has asked that the QR code be completed once it is viewed. Thank you 
Sunday, 1/26/2025

Tucker HS Parents,

Please note the following announcements and reminders for this week:
Chromebook Audit-- Every student with an assigned Chromebook needs to bring it to school this week to have it scanned. Parents, please assist with this having students bring their device 
- Disconnect to Reconnect-- As a reminder, students are still required to have their phones secured in a pouch during the school day. 
- Final 1st semester Grades- Grades have been posted. Seniors can send midyear transcripts to postsecondary schools now. 
- Credit Recovery-  If your child failed a class this semester or in the past, please complete this form to retake a class this semester virtually or online.
- Advanced Curriculum Night- Due to weather, we posted the meeting online. See link:
- 504/HHB Parent Webinar-Please see the attached 504 parent meeting on January 30, 2025. (See Attached here )
- IB Newsletter- See attached. See what is happening in the IB program here  .
- Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on February 1. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
- Joe Pritchett American Legion Post #207 School Medal Award & Scholarship: Application Deadline: March 3, 2025- See attached- Senior Parents- See Scholarship Opportunity for your senior.
- INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
- Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
Herff Jones: Herff Jones will reschedule the lunch room visit due to weather.  You can also order online at 
Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Senior Events:
Senior Dues increase to $125 after January 10, 2025.  Cash or money order please.  The last day to pay senior dues is Friday, February 14, 2025 to participate in remaining senior activities, including food and snacks during graduation practices.
The last day to pay for the Dollywood Trip is Friday, February 7, 2025.  Cash or money order please. The $100 includes the ticket and charter bus, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a t-shirt. You can email Senor Strickland at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Our next Senior Event is the Senior Basketball Tailgate on Friday, February 7 from 3:30-5:30pm.  
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
Friday, February 7 - Senior Night for Basketball - 3:30-5:30 - food and games (for students that have paid their dues and did the RSVP)
Thursday, March 6 - Ice Cream Social during all lunches (for students that have paid their dues)
Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Thursday, 1/23/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Tomorrow, Friday, January 24, 2025, will be a regular school day. We look forward to welcoming back our students and staff tomorrow. Please note that the top parking deck and sidewalk is still very icy and will be closed tomorrow so everyone will be directed to park and drop students off in the back. Please also note that both Saturday School and the Saturday SAT Prep class are both postponed and will not occur on 1/25. 
Wednesday, 1/22/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Tomorrow, Friday, January 24, 2025, will be a regular school day. We look forward to welcoming back our students and staff tomorrow. Please note that the top parking deck and sidewalk is still very icy and will be closed tomorrow so everyone will be directed to park and drop students off in the back. Please also note that both Saturday School and the Saturday SAT Prep class are both postponed and will not occur on 1/25. 
Tuesday, 1/21/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Due to inclement weather, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, will be an asynchronous independent learning day for students and a remote workday for all DeKalb County School District employees. All school activities and athletic events are also cancelled. We will continue to monitor weather conditions closely and provide updates regarding any additional closures as needed. For the latest information, please visit

Sunday, 1/19/2025
Tucker HS Parents, 
Please see the following information for this week:
  • No School tomorrow, Monday (1/20/25) in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr holiday
  • First semester grades are now posted and can be viewed in the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus 
  • SAT Prep (for 11th graders):  11th grade students, Are you planning to go to college after high school? You will need a SAT score as part of your application for admissions!
    • Start your college preparation now through the FREE SAT Prep classes on Saturdays at Tucker High School. This will prepare you for the SAT test day on March 19th
    • Spots are limited! Sign up today! See the attached flyer here for more information. 
  • Title I Parent Meeting January 23rd- All Tucker HS parents are invited to attend a Workshop, "Understanding Career Pathways" on January 23, 2025, at 5:15 pm, at Tucker HS in the cafeteria.  This in-person workshop will help parents assist their students as they have an opportunity to learn and choose areas of interest in high school that multiply pathways for future careers. (See attached flyer here )
  • Advanced Curriculum Night- January 23 at 6:00PM in the auditorium- Come learn about IB, AP, and Dual enrollment opportunities 
  • 504/HHB Parent Webinar- Please see the attached 504 parent meeting on January 30, 2025. (See attached here )
  • Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday School session will be on January 25th. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8:00am- 12:00pm Bus transportation is provided. 
  • Senior Class Information:
  • The Dollywood Trip will be Friday, March 21. The cost is $100 cash/ money order. Please pay before February 7. Space is limited 80 students. The new price for Senior dues is $125 ($25 late fee). Cash or money order only. If you paid last semester, you don't have to pay again.You can pay senior dues and Dollywood Trip in A247 Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays before 1st pd., A lunch, and after school. Cash or money order
  • Herff Jones will be at Tucker High School during lunches on January 23.  Be sure to speak with them and order your cap and gown and announcements on this day.  Orders are due by January 31 for announcements. You can also order online at  Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.)There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1.
Upcoming Senior Events for those that have paid dues:
  • Friday, February 7 - Senior Night for Basketball - 3:30-5:30 - food and games (for students that have paid their dues and did the RSVP)
  • Thursday, March 6 - Ice Cream Social during all lunches (for students that have paid their dues)
  • Friday, March 21 - Dollywood Trip (for students that have paid their dues and paid for the trip)
  • March 31 - April 4  - Senior Week
  • Thursday, April 3 - Senior Field Day and Picnic (for students that have paid their dues)
Sunday, 1/12/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 
Please see the information below for this week:

We are back in school tomorrow, Monday January 13th. It is a regularly scheduled school day  
  • Final 1st semester Grades- Grades will be posted hopefully next week. Seniors we will let you know when transcripts will be available to send out to colleges.
  • Fall Semester Finals-  If a student missed a final, students can take their final in January with their teacher. Finals need to be made up by January 17th or a zero will remain.
  • Title I Parent Meeting January 23rd- All Tucker HS parents are invited to attend a Workshop, "Understanding Career Pathways" on January 23, 2025, at 5:15 pm, at Tucker HS in the cafeteria.  This in-person workshop will help parents assist their students as they have an opportunity to learn and choose areas of interest in high school that multiply pathways for future careers. (See attached flyer here )
  • Advanced Curriculum Night- January 23 at 6:00PM in the auditorium- Come learn about IB, AP, and Dual enrollment opportunities 
  • 504/HHB Parent Webinar- Please see the attached 504 parent meeting on January 30, 2025. (See attached here )
  • Counseling Department Newsletter-  Click on the link to view:
  • IB Newsletter- See attached. See what is happening in the IB program here 
  • Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on January 25th. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
  • Joe Pritchett American Legion Post #207 School Medal Award & Scholarship: Application Deadline: March 3, 2025- See attached- Senior Parents- See Scholarship Opportunity for your senior Flyer 
  • INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
  • Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.
Senior News: 
Please join Remind in order to receive updates and information regarding Senior news and activities.
Text 81010 and your class code is :
Parents of Seniors - @6h9b7eaS
Students with last names A-D - @bbc99c
Students with last names E-K - @b22kk82
Students with last names  L-Q- @9b77k2
Students with last names R-Z - @af644dc
  • Herff Jones: Herff Jones will be at Tucker High School on January 23 to take orders during lunches.  You can also order online at
    • Herff Jones early bird pricing ends & graduation announcements order is submitted on January 31, 2025. (pricing increases $10/month after January 31 deadline.) There is a $15 handling fee added to all orders placed after January 1
Senior Events:
Senior Dues increase to $125 after January 10, 2025.  Cash or money order please.  The last day to pay senior dues is Friday, February 14, 2025 to participate in remaining senior activities, including food and snacks during graduation practices.
The last day to pay for the Dollywood Trip is Friday, February 7, 2025.  Cash or money order please. The $100 includes the ticket and charter bus, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a t-shirt. You can email Senor Strickland at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Our next Senior Event is the Senior Basketball Tailgate on Friday, February 7 from 3:30-5:30pm. 
Thursday, 1/9/2025
Tucker HS Parents, 

Please see the message below about DSCD schools being closed tomorrow, Friday, 1/10/26, due to the threat of inclement weather. 

In the event of a school closure because of inclement weather or an emergency, teachers will provide students with a virtual learning assignment that is content-specific and relevant. Each assignment will be aligned to the standards and what the students are currently learning. Assignments may involve reading, writing, conducting research, performing mini labs, completing practice problems, taking notes, and/or answering questions. Students will be given one week to complete and submit their virtual assignments. Virtual learning access will be made available to students in grades 1-12 through Canvas or another approved platform. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students will receive hard copies of their virtual learning assignments.

All school-based, district-wide, extracurricular, and athletic activities scheduled during the declared emergency period will be postponed and re-scheduled if possible.  Also, all after school programs will be closed.
Sunday, 1/5/2025

Tucker HS Parents, 

Please see the information below for this week:
  • Tuesday, January 7th- Students will return to school on January 7th. Students will report to their Homeroom class at 8:00AM to pick up a new schedule. Monday (tomorrow) is a teacher workday 
  • Final 1st semester Grades- Grades will be posted when we come back in January. Seniors we will let you know when transcripts will be available to send out to colleges. 
  • Semester 1 Finals-  If a student missed a final, students can take their final in January with their teacher. Finals need to be made up by January 17th or a zero will remain.
  • Yondr Pouches- students will resume using cell phone pouches this semester. Please remind your child that this is a district initiative/expectation and they must have their pouch everyday (beginning Tuesday). Pouches are also used as hall passes for students.
  • Advanced Curriculum Night- January 23 at 6:00PM in the auditorium- Come learn about IB, AP, and Dual enrollment opportunities 
  • Counseling Department Newsletter-  Click on the link:
  • IB Newsletter- See attached. See what is happening in the IB program.
  • Tucker Saturday School: Our next Saturday school will be on January 25th. If you are interested in having your child come to Saturday school, please drop them off on the top parking deck at 8. School will be from 8- Noon. Bus transportation is provided. 
  • Joe Pritchett American Legion Post #207 School Medal Award & Scholarship: Application Deadline: March 3, 2025- See attached- Senior Parents- See Scholarship Opportunity for your senior.
  • INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTALPlease go to the DCSD Infinite Campus website:   If you are creating a new account, please click on the Create Account tab for an informational video and instructions.
  • Car Pool Lane in the AM- If you drop off your student in the AM, please do not  stop your car on the ramp and have them walk across the ramp. Keep moving so we can get cars in and out of the drive. We do not want the students crossing the street through traffic and stopping cars. Please drop your student off by the sidewalk so all of our students are safe.