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Tucker High School

Dekalb County Schools

Principal Advisory Council

Principal Advisory Council

Principal Advisory Council bring schools and communities together to solve education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the decision-making process. Each council consists of a minimum of seven members as follows: 

  1. Parents and Guardians (4)
  2. Certified Teachers (2)
  3. The Principal (1)
Members are trained to organize meetings and develop School Council by-laws, understand advisory status and authority, recognize legal issues such as open meetings and open records laws and confidentiality, make recommendations to increase student achievement, and create a continuous improvement plan. 

Councils provide an opportunity for local school decisions by representing the interests of the school community to the principal, who in turn conveys the information to Regional Superintendents, the Superintendent, and, if necessary, the Board of Education. 


2024-2025 Meeting Dates

October 23, 2024
December 5, 2024 (tentative)
February 6, 2025 (tentative)
April 10, 2025 (tentative)

All meeting are virtual ands begin at 5:15 p.m.
Click Meeting in Teams to access the virtual meeting.