Beta Club: Ms. Humpreys
Book Club: Dr. Barber (1st Wed)
Chess Club: Ms. Eby
Collage Literary Magazine: Ms. G. Johnson
Earth Tomorrow: Ms. Gross
FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America): Chef McCarthy
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America): Ms. Ferguson
GSA (Gay Student Alliance): Mr. Dirks, Mx. Wittenberg
Habitat for Humanity: Ms. Billups, Mr. Parma
HOSA (Future Health Professionals): Dr. Wagner
IB / International Night: Ms. Willocks
Latin Club: Ms. Sellers
Makerspace Club: Dr. Barber (3rd Wed)
Marching Band: Mr. Mosley
Math Club: Mr. Modi & Coach Heyen
Mock Trial: Dr. Parker
National Honor Society: Ms. C. Hughes
Reading Bowl Team: Dr. Barber (2nd Wed)
Skills USA: Ms. E. Allen
STAR (Students Together Assisting Refugees): Ms. Pate
Student Council: Ms. Hill & Ms. Smith
Technology Student Association (TSA) / VEX Robotics: Mr. Hicks, Ms. S. Williams, Mr. Blackmoore
Theater Club: Ms. Redmond & Ms. B. Curren
Ultimate Frisbee Team: TBD