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February Break

Tucker High School

Dekalb County Schools

Rising 9th Graders

Rising 9th Grade Information

Rising 9th Grade Parents' Presentation October 2020
Rising 9th Grade Parents' Presentation: (premiers at 6:00 p.m.)

IB Academic Sequencing of Courses:
IB Application Window: Opens January 7, 2021, Closes February 5, 2021 @ 4 pm

Dual Enrollment Information for Rising 11th & 12th Graders (for planning purposes):

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a Fernbank program? 

A: Yes the Fernbank program, often referred to as STT, is a program that students apply to in their 8th grade year during the Winter Semester.  It is a program that requires the students to travel, by DeKalb County Bus, to the Fernbank Science Center for a 1/2 day of one semester of their 9th Grade Year. While at Fernbank they receive the curriculum for Biology and an additional science.   


Note:  Students accepted and participating in the STT program do not take a science at the high school and are required to take both Civics and Geography in the semester they are not attending Fernbank.


Q. Do you have to apply for IB Preparatory every year?

A. No, you only need to apply for school choice going into 9th grade. The application will be open from January 7, 2019- February 8, 2019. If you get accepted through school choice, you will remain in the IB program as long as you meet the yearly requirements.

You can apply for the IB Preparatory Program for 9th grade, for 10th grade, and for the Diploma Programme for 11th grade through School Choice.You do not have to be in the IB Preparatory Program to apply for the Diploma Programme for 11th grade.


Q: Is there a peer leaders program? 

A: We are working on being able to offer that class next year.


Q: Are all of the pathways listed on the website? 

A: Yes.


Q: Are we able to meet with the THS counselors before final registration? 

A: If you would like to meet with a high school counselor, just call the high school counseling department. 


Q: Can you switch a pathway in 9th grade? 

A: You can switch your pathway after 9th grade, but after 10th grade, you need to remain in it so you get 3 years of pathway.


Q: Can you give us more information on summer PE and health? 

A: Once we get all of the information, we will send a flyer to the middle school.